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Introducing this blog & website

I’m writing this first blog entry as a sort of introduction to what I hope to accomplish with this blog and website because I have yet to successfully have a blog or website, and I’m hoping that by being upfront about this will make it easier to get started and keep up with it.

So what are the goals of this blog? I’d like to use this space to write some informal updates about what I’ve been up to, to share linguistic tidbits that I personally find interesting, and to try to write a squib about once a month related to whatever it is that has been on my mind (most likely something related to language and linguistics, but not exclusively. I’ve wanted to have a blog for a long time that could house my thoughts and just generally what I’ve been doing, so that anyone interested in my work and my life can have a little look at how things are going. But I’ve never been very good about keeping it updated for very long, sometimes just getting a few posts in and then quitting. But I’m hoping this time will be a little different.

For one, this site has my name very obviously attached to it, and so in the future when someone tries to look me up, they will likely be led here. As such, it makes sense to make sure that whatever they find is what I’d want the general public to see. Not only that, unlike a lot of other services I’ve tried in the past, I’m paying for continued use of this domain, so I should try to get my money’s worth out of it. And on a more positive note, I want to have some sort of documentation of my Fulbright experience that I can share more easily with others. I think it will be hard to maintain a habit of regularly posting, especially at first when I am certain to be nervous about the possibility of others reading my blog posts, but hopefully after some time I will get used to it.

So here’s to getting over my anxieties about posting things on the internet, and hopefully writing things that people will be interested in reading.